Friday, January 06, 2006

Day 32 post surgery : Fri 6th Jan 06

A few more people returned to work yesterday and today and I had a few double takes ie to take in that I had a new hairstyle though no comments and just work per normal, which for me was great, as there was no unwanted attention on my eyes or my new look ie forehead and eyes (whew).

Big boss came back yesterday as well and he didn't even flinch or comment on my hair. That was great. About 3 more people haven't come back to work yet - one is due next week and the other two the week after; and I've yet to meet more people in the corridor though those that I am meeting seem to notice I have a new hairstyle and comment they like it and leave it at that and yeahhhhhhh, the focus is off my eyes and no more comments about "how are your eyes" etc from those that have been commenting on it for the past year - one girl in particular who's 50 and looks like she's 20 - she must have had a face lift (smiles) - and I'm sure she knows though she didn't say anything about my eyes today as she usually does and just said she loved the hairstyle! Worth every penny of the £250 it cost me! And it's only been 2 weeks of wearing it!

Sometimes in the ladies and I'm touching up my wig, even I am fooled that it's my own hair. It is beginning to feel very comfortable and is also like a security blanket I can hide behind - especially the fringe. Perhaps that is what is giving me my confidence. I'm not sure. I just feel safe. If I had to wear my own hair, I'm not sure I'd be as as confident with all the bald patches etc and knowing my forehead was naked. I feel safe with my forehead covered with a fringe.

My forehead seems frozen still in that I don't tend to move my eyebrows much. I mean I can but I don't have to as there's no excess skin on upper eyelids to warrant moving my eyebrows to see.

Oh yeah yesterday I felt like I had this eyelash under my upper eyelid and for the life of me I couldn't pull my upper eyelid up to get to it as the darn thing felt like it was swollen and/or I didn't have enough skin to pull up - it was the weirdest thing to happen! Whereas before there was lots of excess upper eyelid skin to pull my upper eyelid up and lift it up, now I can't, cos there's no skin. Eeek! I'm not sure if this is a permanent thing and/or if it's cos I'm swollen still. It's scary in the sense that it's a new sensation. Where did my skin go? Gone? For good? Eeek!! I have taken pics and will post when I've time.

I still can't look down properly (again taken pics though haven't cropped them yet to post) as my upper eyelids are still swollen.

I'm getting more used to my forehead and like that I have no wrinkles and it just looks young again :) I also don't frown and generally my forehead feels like it's had botox as it doesn't move much. Actually I just tried to frown and there doesn't seem to be too much muscle there to frown with; whereas before the frown muscles were huge!! Especially after my first eye surgery. I don't want to frown too much cos I never liked those frown lines/muscles which stood out a mile! I'm glad they are gone!

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