Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Slideshow of journey so far the past 8 weeks

I don't have time to write much tonite as I've much to do, or post replies. This sharing is all mainly for my own benefit, is very catharthic and healing for me to get it all out of my system as friends and family just don't understand - heck, even those who've been through surgery don't understand unless they've been through exactly what I've been through and walked in my shoes, having lived the life I've lived, and with the circumstances in my life etc .... so my blogger is my personal diary and those of you reading in are reading my personal private thoughts in a diary. Everyone's journey is individual to them and mine won't necessarily reflect what will happen to you. We all heal differently and handle what life throws at us differently, based on who we are, what we've learnt and where we come from and most importantly the programming based on our childhood will equate to how we react to our circumstances in life. Take what you need, per usual, and let the rest go.

I have my follow up appointment with Jane tomorrow. This should be interesting as I've a whole wide range of emotions, and lots of frustration, amongst happy ones as well. Looking at my journey on the slideshow since the 5th June 06 eight weeks ago certainly shows me how far I've come in my journey and there's a mixture of emotions looking at the sequence of events unfolding.

This morning I felt like a broken down doll which someone has tried to mend together, with snippets of spare parts. I'd looked at myself in the mirror while my head was down and my eyes looked up and my eyes looked all out of place and crooked and my heart sank (sighs). That's when I felt like a broken doll. :(

Slideshow is not perfect and I find it frustrating that it zooms in on the right eye when I want to look at BOTH eyes at the same time (grins), then hey, it's what's available easily on offer. I've tried to look out there for much more effective slideshows but I just don't have the time. The days I get to flick through my blog and see the journey I've come through so far is very healing and catharthic. Thou it does hurt to see my eyes after my very first surgery in Dec 2004 on my other eye blog (link at the top of this page).

For what it's worth, I'm a webmaster, have my own various new age and healing websites and support forums for about 9 years and this is second nature to me, plus I type at over 110 words a minute, as I work on the computers and have done the past 20 years. I can type as fast as I think and the keyboard just can't keep up with me at times. It's healing to hear myself think and the words appear on screen - that's the catharthic part for me. It's like validation.

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