Sunday, February 05, 2006

Day 62 post surgery : Week 8 : Sun 5th Feb 06

Today I coloured my hair for the first time since my surgery. I use Aubrey Organics hair colour which contains NO phenylenediamine, NO coal tar dyes—NO synthetic chemicals of any kind -

Since using paraben free make up and toiletries, my skin has improved drastically - it's no longer red and rashy with hives and dry and flaky and looks much healthier with no attacks of hives (used to get that for years).

I've to wait 2 hours before I can wash it and will report back later how it went. My hair already started tangling when I started to colour it .... it's very different to the normal haircolour we see in the shops and takes a while to put it on - it's like adding on mud to your hair (giggles). But it's a healthier way and no chemicals get into my skin and I'm ok to take the extra time out.

Will report back later .... I'm not looking forward to detangling it later as usually after it's all washed out it takes a good while to detangle ... my hair, since a young child, has always been extremely tangly!!

I'm suffering again from thrush and cystitis and it's very frustrating as well as painful (sniffles). Side effects of the steroids and antibiotics from surgery.

I watched Ten Years Younger this week and saw a 34 year old have fat transfer into her jowls - which made me think I can ask Jane to do that to my jowl lines when I have my fat transfer as I can't afford my Isolagen injections this year even. As she's injecting my uppers and lowers I can't see why she can't inject my jowl areas as well. I wonder if she'll charge more. I'll ask her when I see her either on the 21st Feb this year for my puntal plugs or on the 8th March when I see her for a follow up and to discuss the lower eyelid surgery then.

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