Monday, November 21, 2005

Second consult with Jane Olver & follow up letter

I'm feeling frustrated as though I saw Jane Olver last Weds 16th Nov 05, the letters she had promised me are today, Mon 21st Nov, still not forthcoming and her assistant advised that no letter has as yet been typed, that she was only an appts secretary and Jane's usual secretary only works on Thursday and Jane was out from Weds, which means they will not touch base with each other this week; and my surgery is scheduled for 10 days from now.

I persisted in receiving at least some sort of confirmation of what surgeries are going to be performed on me as I hadn't a clue. Jane had rambled (for use of a word) off a list of procedures at my consult last week and I didn't understand half of them, which I told her.

After a fair amount of discussion, Jane's secretary finally towards the later part of the afternoon, faxed me a copy of a letter Jane's usual assistant had typed last week, which wasn't really relevant as we had updated it since (letter of which is still in the dictating machine).

Jane's admin secretary did however say that she'd spoken to Jane today who confirmed that the surgeries she was recommending me are a trans blepharoplasty incision type Y to V endoscopic brow lift with endotine with bilateral upper eyelid reconstruction and ptosis repair. This would be carried out under general anaesthesia with one night's stay in hospital.

Now I have no clue what endotines are, and was looking through some old posts at the Make Me Heal Brow Forum and voila ... one link is:
and shares information about endotines. I'm not too sure at this stage, upon reading it, whether I want something foreign in my forehead that will dissolve in time. Jane knows my thoughts on foreign objects in myself eg Restylane or Botox and I'm surprised she's even considered offering me endotines. The link above describes that some people find it so discomforting that they have surgery to remove the endotines before they are fully dissolved.

I'm continuing to do some further research to find out more information; otherwise it'll be a full endo brow lift with bilateral upper eyelid reconstruction and ptosis repair at a cost of some £6,201 which is more money than I can afford right now and way over budget for me. I'm very confused and scared right now.

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