One week post surgery - Y-V endo brow lift, bilateral upper eyelid reconstruction, upper left eyelash ptosis repair and upper right eyelid ptosis repair
Still suffering from chemosis in the left outer eyelid. http://www.drmeronk.com/insidersguide/35.html Feeling bloated, tired, teary, emotional, drained etc. Decided to go to Sainsburys to top up on some grocery shopping and drove a bit further than before; which wasn't a good idea as though I drove carefully, I was still unsafe to be on the road as I didn't feel in a fit enough condition to make any emergency decisions. Am debating on what to do on Weds when I see Jane for my consult in the afternoon.
Majority of my pill medication, apart from one last steriod tablet tomorrow, ran out today, though I'm still on the steriod eye drops for a while. They taste ikky as eventually the taste goes from my eyes into my throat strangely. My stomach feels bloated and I have many other symptoms. When my eyes allow me to read some of the leaflets, I gather that all the tired symptoms and irritability etc are due to the steroids and antibiotics that I am on. So it's a good thing they run out tomorrow as hopefully it'll mean my body can start healing itself now normally without synthethic medication. I'm not sure whether or not it was a good idea to heed Jane's comments about not using homeopathy. I'm not sure what good it would have done amongst all the synthethic medication that was being pumped into me.
I would like to discuss with the anaesthesist again his decisions on the kind of anaesthesia he gave me as I've been feeling sick still (though this could be the medication and not from his anaesthesia, from reading the leaflets this afternoon). I remember we did have this discussion but I was so groggy I can't remember what was said!
As my attempt at taking Orbistan cubes for my constipation yesterday ended up in a diahhroea state, I decided not to take any more and today again my bowels are blocked up and my stomach feels all bloated and tight (ergh). I will make a further decision tonite before bed and may just take half a cube instead of one.
I would imagine there aren't too many oculoplastic doctors out there that practice naturopathy (smiles). I am still amazed I allowed myself to be pumped full of the chemicals this past week though as I know nothing of these things, it's best to be safe than sorry. One just needs to read the warnings on the leaflets to realise how harmful it is to take the medicines and what the contraindications are - like hives, thrush, bloatedness, rashes etc etc etc etc .... and yet people still take them. It'll take me months to get my system declogged of all these synthethic chemicals and then I'll subject myself to it again with my next surgery ... oh dear (smiles), in July 2006.
I think I'll do a search on the internet to find out ways to dejunk from all these synthethic medicines.
Made an appt with GP for Weds to obtain my medical note. I'm still debating whether or not to go for that extra week, though the way I look right now, I am in no fit condition to drive to and from work for 5 days at 8 hours a day and stare at a computer screen.
For some strange reason, since the surgery, I can't seem to take the heat too much and prefer a room to be cooler. For instance last nite, I switched the central heating to under 20 degrees Celsius, whereas usually I need to have the house warm at 24 degrees plus. I just can't seem to take the heat and seem to overheat inside - perhaps it's a sign of the menopause rather than the surgery. At the hospital on the first nite, one of the nurses came into the room late at nite and immediately commented on how cold the room is and proceeded to turn the heating on. I told her I had been sweating, which I had. Very strange. What's happening? Is this an internal heating system going on? Menopause? Ergh! At least it saves on the heating bills (smiles) which is a positive. I'm sure the kitties are confused cos they love a nice warm house and now it's cool, which is so totally unlike me.
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