Pix of the V shaped incision of Y-V endo brow lift that has caused a thin patch by my left side parting. As it's thinned out the hair and caused a patch, I can't wear my hair side parted anymore (sniffles) until it grows out. It's very disheartening.
I have always had a thin patch there though the V shaped incision must have thinned away and lost some hair during the surgery and/or perhaps with the chemicals used; which has damaged a lot of my hair which feels like it's had a bad chemical perm :(
I'm just grateful I was able to purchase a wig that looks like my natural hair, length and style. Facing everyone at work with my new eyes is going to be hard enough .... I think it's really obvious I've had my eyes done though I'm hoping to hide behind my new fringe and glasses. My eyelids are just too full and give away the game (sighs) though if I don't wear mascara or eye make up, hopefully my eyes will look bland and no one will notice too much. I'm soooooooooo nervous about going back to work.
Self confidence is the lesson to learn here ie "fake it till you make it" as Barbara de Angelis said in one of her tapes on confidence, a lot of people don't have much confidence, herself included, and they pretend to be confident while all the time feeling inside they don't really know what they are doing; and the key is to pretend like you have confidence and soon you'll go along with the flow and start to believe in yourself and/or the energy will change coming from you and others will pick up on it and react accordingly.
That's my lesson to learn from this experience, to learn to exude self confidence and not let anyone know that deep down inside I'm insecure and scared (eek). If I "pretend" to be confident, it'll rub off on me and I'll begin to believe it and feel confident and soon will be confident .... whew. Deep breaths!!
I know my investment banker bosses occasionally aren't confident as I can sense it and they handle big business meetings all the time, while inside I'm sure they feel like a 5 year old boy who is playing big games with big guys etc!
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